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Check Out Some of Our Articles & Studies

Changing approach can change results

The very first day at work, Christina found that her office consisted of a huge room with multiple phone stations where people were making calls one after another, and would hound the debtors and practically threaten them to get information related to debts. Read further..

Humanistic v/s Systemic Problems

There are typically two kinds of interventions that can drive change in any organization, society, community or even a country. Every challenge we deal in the world, including our business today falls in one of these two categories.

1. Humanistic, and 

2. Systemic

Primarily these two factors are responsible for creating problems.. Read further..

Growth happens itself or requires conscious efforts. Find out..

“If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’d always have what you’ve already got.” Sounds familiar? Heard of it before? That’s absolutely right. I am not talking of anything that you haven’t heard before. Samuel Johnson once said “people need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”

This article throws light on why the growth of many organizations is sluggish. What conscious efforts the leaders need to put in order to achieve success for their organizations. Read further..

Power of a Coach lies in asking powerful & may be difficult questions

John Robert Wooden was an American basketball player and coach who was named as national coach of the year six times as in 12 years period his team won  ten National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships including an unprecedented seven in a row. Also, his teams won a men’s basketball-record 88 consecutive games. Bill Walton, an American retired basketball player said:

“Coach Wooden never talked about winning and losing, but rather about the effort to win. He rarely talked about basketball, but generally about life

PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted an independent study commissioned by International Coach Federation (ICF) revealed the the following results: Read further..

The Whole is Bigger Than the Sum of its parts

American cars used to be the top ranking cars until 1960 when the Japanese penetrated the American geography. Besides great quality, the Japanese cars were cheaper than the American ones. 

Once a manager from a Detroit automobile firm narrated of stripping down a Japanese model to understand how Japanese produced such reliability with extraordinary precision at a lower cost on a particular assembly process. Read further..


The powerful tool-The Triple Loop Model, is a three level coaching approach (separated in three loops/levels of coaching) where a coach shifts his approach from facilitating transactional shift(s) to transformational shift(s).

Typically, most the of the coaches adopt the so called Loop 1 approach, which Peter defines as a result oriented approach-‘Just Do It!’ Here, the coach dwells in a conversation with the client and identify a goal, create a roadmap and help her/him to achieve it. The tool that usually used is SMART Tool (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound). Read further..

Systems & Processes Play A Key Role

If you lead a business and can not think of ways to tackle the anti-business and unmanageable behaviors of your employees, which is further causing great damages to your business, I’ll suggest look beyond the individuals to address the issues. 

I can explain why despite all the genuine efforts and intentions people fail to achieve results.

Because failure is not caused by the attitude or behavior, it is also caused by the system and its structure!! Read Further..

Leaders Speak Differently

I believe language is the mindset, the attitude, subtle understanding of the thoughts & feelings that are embedded in the combinations of both the words and emotions. It is a mixture of the words and intent (in which it is spoken, of course based on the understanding of what is required to be spoken).

All the great leaders have had this formula right on which they composed their speeches for their audiences. They all connected with the deeper mental and emotional needs of the listeners. Read Further..

Humans are Wired To be Players, not Pawns.

“If you need me to motivate you, I probably won’t like to hire you.” It was once said by one of the business owners who didn’t want his name to be disclosed. However, even today the word motivation resonates in every business in several forms like ownership, engagement and leadership.

Every business owner I have met in the past decade has raised major concerns to enhance engagement and ownership in the organization. Read further..

A Non-judgement & Non threatening Space

In conversation with a retired professor of philosophy, Jamia University, she said- “Once god said that I can not be present everywhere to guide everyone, hence, I created Guru (The Coach).” I was silent for a few minutes and remembered all those moments when my guru supported me, whenever needed. Read further..

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